8051 Square Root of a Given Number by eees.in · September 10, 2021 Square Root of a Given Number THEORY: A square root of a number a is a number y such that y2 = a, or, in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y × y) is a. For example, 3 is a square root of 09 because 32 = 09.8 bit square root number for follows INPUT: 8600 09H OUTPUT: 8700 03H PROGRAM: ADDRESSOPCODESMNEMONICS 850090 86 00MOV DPTR,#8600 8503E0MOVX A,@DPTR 8504F9MOV R1,A 85057A 01MOV R2,#01 8507E9LOOP: MOV A,R1 85088A F0MOV F0,R2 850A84DIV AB 850BFBMOV R3,A 850CAC F0MOV R4,F0 850E9ASUBB A,R2 850F60 03JZ RESULT 85110AINC R2 851280 F3SJMP LOOP 851490 87 00RESULT: MOV DPTR,#8700 8517EBMOV A,R3 8518F0MOVX @DPTR,A 851980 FEHERE: SJMP HERE
STUDY OF VOLTAGE AND CURRENT MEASUREMENT USING MULTIMETER December 22, 2020 by eees.in · Published December 22, 2020
Realization of Full Adder using 3 to 8 Decoder October 4, 2021 by eees.in · Published October 4, 2021 · Last modified February 10, 2022
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