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Magnetism related MCQ
#1. Imaginary line joining the two poles of a magnet .....?
#2. Materials which can be strongly magnetised are known as......materials?
#3. Eddy current loss is proportional to.....?
#4. Permanent magnetic materials are made by.....?
#5. Temporary magnetic materials are made by.....?
#7. Eddy current losses are expressed in......?
#8. Relative permeability of free space is.....?
#9. High magnetic retentive materials are suitable for making.....?
#10. What is the unit of magnetic flux?
#11. What is the unit of magnetic flux density?
#12. The product of current and number of turns called......?
#13. An alloy of iron and nickel called.....?
#14. permeability of magnetic material expressed in....?
#15. Hysteresis curve of a magnetic material represents its.....?
#16. Magneto motive force per unit length is called....?
#17. The substance not belongs to dia magnetic material is.....?

air is para magnet
#18. The entire group of magnetic lines is called....?
#19. Unit of flux density in SI unit?
#20. Unit of flux density in CGS unit?
#21. Unit of magnetic field in CGS unit?
#22. The ability of a material to retain its magnetism is known as....?
#23. Unit of Magneto motive force?
#25. Unit of magnetic intensity?
#26. Unit of magnetic intensity?
#27. Unit of relative permeability?
#28. The relative permeability of free space is.....?
#29. The current in electric circuit similar to..... in magnetic circuit?
#30. The emf in electric circuit similar to..... in magnetic circuit?
#31. Two current carrying conductors placed side by side experience a force of attraction........?
#32. Electromagnets are used in.....?
#33. Permanent magnets are used in.....?
#34. If a magnet is placed in a rapidly reversing magnetic field, it will become.....?
#35. The phenomenon of induced magnetism lagging behind the magnetising force is known as......?
#36. For the minimum hysteresis loss in the core, the core material is should have.....?
#37. A material that can be magnetised only very slightly called....?
#38. A material that is slightly repelled by a magnet called....?
#39. A material that can be magnetised easily and make very strong magnet called....?
#40. The direction of flow of lines of force around a magnet is......?
#41. Direction of magnetic flux around a straight conductor can be determined by .....?
#42. Reciprocal of reluctance called....?
#43. Reciprocal of reluctivity called....?
#44. Induced emf is produced in a stationary conductor due to changing magnetic field is called.....?
#45. Induced emf is produced in a stationary magnetic field due to moving conductor is called.....?
#46. The property of an electric circuit to oppose any change in the magnitude of current flow in a circuit is called.....?
#47. Unit of inductance....?
#48. Which of the following is not a factor of inductance of an inductor?
#49. Determind the total inductance of 5 inductance connected in series,each of 2H?

2 x 5= 10= nH
#50. Determind the total inductance of 5 inductance connected in parallel,each of 5H?

5/5= 1= n/H
#51. The current in a 200mH coil increases from 2 to 5A in 0.1s. calculate the rate of change of current?

#52. A material that magnetised only very slightly is called...?
#53. Which of the device is a single excited magnetic field system?
#54. Which of the following is a strongest diamagnetic material?
#55. Th ratio of magnetisation intensity to the magnetisation force is known as....?
#56. Degaussing is the process of....?
#57. When entire flux of one coil links with the nearby coil, the coefficient of coupling is equal to...?
#58. Unit of magnetic lines of force is.....?
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