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MCQ – Distribution
#1. A 3 phase 4 wire system is commonly used for....?
incorrect#2. Feeder is designed mainly from the point of view of?
#3. Distributors are designed mainly from the point of view of?
#4. Most reliable distribution system is.....?
#5. The statuatory limit for voltage variations at the consumers terminals is +_......% of rated value?
#6. The major part of the investment on secondary distribution is.....?
#7. In a transmission system the weight of copper used is proportional to ...?
#8. The volume of copper required for an ac transmission line is inversely proportional to....?
#9. ACSR conductors have.....?
#10. The function of steel wire in an ACSR conductor is to.....?
#11. Strain type insulators are used .....?
#12. Wavy structure of pin insulator decrease its....?
#13. In a 3 wire dc system, the load on +ve side is 400A and on -ve side it is 300A. then current in neutral wire is.....?
#14. Voltage drop in feeders can be compensate by connecting....?
#15. In a balanced 3 wire dc system, if voltage across the outers is 500V. then voltage between any outer and neutral is....?
#16. A booster is connected ......with the feeder?
#17. The material used for the manufacture of ground wire is.....?
#18. Effect of temperature rise in over head line is to.....?
#19. The sag of a transmission line conductor in summer is....?
#21. Corona loss increase with.....?
#22. Bundled conductors reduce....?
#23. The chance of occurance of corona are maximum during.....?
#24. The only advantages of corona formation in transmission line?
#25. Skin effect of conductor proportional to.....?
#26. Bundled conductors in transmission line provide for.....?
#27. High voltage transmission lines are transposed because of....?
#28. The distribution systems in india mostly in....?
#29. Use of bundled conductors reduce.....?
#30. The surge impedence of a 50 miles long under ground cable is 50 ohm. for a 100 miles it will be....?
#31. Current transformer uses...?
#32. The transformer connection used at the substation end of the transmission line is.....?
#33. Distribution transformer has maximum efficiency at....?
#34. Distribution transformer has maximum efficiency at....?
#35. The conductor used for over head transmission line is....?
#36. The top most conductor in high voltage transmission line is....?
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