Compare Conventional & Non-Conventional source of energy

Conventional source of EnergyNon Conventional source of Energy
These sources of energy are not abundant in nature, Present in Limited Quantity.   Eg : Fossil fuels likes Coal , Petroleum,..These sources of energy are abundant in nature, Present in Limited Quantity. Eg : Solar, wind, Tidal
They are not Replenished/ Restore continuously. They are formed over a million years.They are Replenished/ Restore continuously by natural process.
They are called Non Renewable source of energy.They are called Renewable source of energy.
They can be Exhausted completely due to over consumption. They cannot be reuse.They cannot be Exhausted completely.
They pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases.They are environment friendly, do not pollute environment.
They are commonly used for Industrial & Commercial Purpose.They are commonly used for house hold purpose.
Heavy expensive.Less expensive.
Solar , Thermal, Water Power GenerationWind, Tidal, Solar, Geo thermal, Wave power

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