Demand factor & Diversity Factor

Demand factor:

  • It is the ratio of maximum demand on the power station to its connected load.

Demand Factor = Maximum demand of a system / Total connected load on the system.

Demand factor is always less than one, because Maximum demand is smaller than total connected load. Higher the load factor

Diversity Factor:

  • It is the ratio of the Sum of individual Max demands  to the Max demand on power station is known as diversity factor

Diversity  Factor =  Sum of individual Max demands / Max demand on power station

  • Maximum demand on power station always less than the sum of individual maximum demand.
  • Diversity factor will always greater than 1. Greater the diversity factor, The cost of generation is lesser             

Capacity factor:

  • It is the ratio of Actual energy produced to the maximum possible energy that could have been produced during a given period.

Capacity factor = Actual energy produced / the max. energy that could have been produced

Capacity factor = Average demand / Plant capacity

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