Connected Load & Maximum Demand

Connected Load & Maximum Demand

Connected Load:

It is the sum of continuous ratings in kW of all the equipment’s connected to supply system.

The Sum of Continuous rating of all the equipments (bulbs, tubes, CFLs, Fans, Electrical Motors, Socket Outlets, and Power Plugs etc) connected to Electrical Supply System is known as Connected Load. Ex:Five 100 Watt lamps & 500 watts of a power point,

Total connected Load =  (100 x 5) + 500 = 1000 watts

Maximum Demand

  • It is the greatest demand of load on the power station during a given period.

The load on the station varies from time to time. The maximum load in kW which a consumer uses during a given period is called Maximum Demand. MD is helps to determining the installed capacity of the station.

          Maximum demand is always less than connected Load. Because all devices never runs at full load at the same time.

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