Magnetic flux and Magnetic flux density

General Terms associated with Magnetism:

Magnetic field:

The space around a magnet in which a magnetic pole experience a force is called Magnetic field.

Magnetic lines of force:

Magnetic field around a magnet is represented by imaginary lines called magnetic lines of force, Direction of lines of force passes from North pole to south pole in surrounding medium and inside the magnet, each lines of force passes from south pole to north pole.

Magnetic flux (φ) :

Magnetic lux in a magnetic circuit is equal to the total number of lines of force existing  on the cross section of the magnetic core,

  • Unit of flux (φ) is Weber.
  • 1 Weber =  108 lines.

Magnetic flux density (B):

The magnetic flux density is the flux per unit area of the magnetic core.

  • magnetic flux density, B = φ / A = Flux/Area.
  • Unit of Magnetic flux Density (B) is Weber/M2 OR Tesla.

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