Permalloy and Perminvar

Permalloy, Perminvar and Mumetal

Permalloy :

It is a soft magnetic material, it is an alloy of Iron and Nickel.( Iron=78.5% and Ni = 21% ), which can be magnetized by a very weak magnetic field and useful for manufacture of sensitive relays. The curie temperature of this group of material varies between 420 to 5800 C depending on  the  percentage of nickel content. These material having very low hysteresis loss.


 It is a soft magnetic material, it is an alloy of Nickel, cobalt and Iron. ( cobalt=25% and Ni = 50%, Iron=25% ), Permeability is constant over a low flux density range. These material having very low hysteresis loss. It is used for made of armature of motors and loud speakers.

Mumetal :

It consists of iron and nickel alloyed with copper and chromium. It is used for manufacturing instrument transformers and miniature transformers used in communication circuitries.

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