Mechanical properties of Conducting Materials

Briefly describe the Mechanical property of Conducting Materials?

  • Stress: It is the amount of force sustained by the material per unit cross sectional area.
  • Strain:  It is the change (Elongation or Contraction) in length undergone by the material per unit of its original length.

                   Stress α Strain.  

  • Strength:  It is the ability of a material to sustain external force or loads which act upon it during its working, without distortion.
  • Ductility: It is the ability of the material with which it can be drawn into wires and bent without fracture.
  • Malleability: It is the ability of the material by virtue of which a material may be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without rupture.
  • Hardness: It is the property of the material to resist penetration.
  • Brittleness: Lack of ductility is called Brittleness.
  • Toughness: it is the strength with which the material opposes rupture.
  • Elasticity: It is the property by which a material regains its original shape on on removal of load.
  • Plasticity: It is the property that enables the formations of permanent deformation in a material.

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