Parts of Distribution System
Draw the schematic diagram of Distributor-Feeder-Service mains
The part of power station. Which distributes electric power for local use is known as Distribution system. It consists of Feeder, Distributor, and the service mains.

Feeder :
Feeder is the conductor which connects the substation to the area where power is to be distributed. The main consideration in the design of feeder is current carrying capacity. In fig. Feeders are SA, SB & SC.
Distributors is the conductor which tappings are taken for supply to the consumers.The main consideration in the design of distributor is Voltage drop. In fig.. Distributors are BC, CD, AD….
Service mains:
The overhead line connecting the supplier’s distribution line to the consumer’s premises is called service mains or service connection or service line. The service line terminates at the point where the supply conductor enters the consumer meter.
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