Pump Operator – 11

11th Day Preparation Strategy to Crack Pump Operator

KPSC Pump Operator Exam 2020 will be conducted on the middle of 2021, Aspirants have additional time to revise the syllabus and enhance exam preparation.


Electrical -Fundamentals of Electricity Previous Questions

#1. Unit of Potential is...?

V = W/Q

#2. Basic unit of electric power is....?

P =W/t

#3. Unit of conductance is...?

#4. Resistance of a wire is R ohms, Wire is stretched to double its length, then its resistance in ohms is...?

#5. Continuity of an electrical circuit is usually checked by...?

#6. kWh is the unit of....?

#7. Six 1.5 V cells are connected in parallel. The output voltage is....?

#8. Unit of reactive power is....?

#9. 1 MW = ......Watts?

#10. Eureka has .... tempeature co-efficient of resistance?



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