1 | 1001 | English for Communication I | |
2 | 1002 | Engineering Mathematics I | 2016 M |
3 | 1003 | Engineering Physics I | 2017 O, 2018 A |
4 | 1004 | Engineering Chemistry I | 2016 M, 2018 A |
5 | 2005 | Engineering Graphics | |
6 | 1009 | Health & Physical Education | |
7 | 2008 | Workshop Practice | |
8 | 1008 | Computing Fundamentals | |
9 | 2007 | Engineering Science Lab I | |
10 | 2001 | English for Communication II | |
11 | 2002 | Engineering Mathematics II | 2016 M |
12 | 2003 | Engineering Physics II | 2018 A |
13 | 2004 | Engineering Chemistry II | 2016 |
14 | 2031 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 2016M, 2017O, 2016O, 2018O, 2018 A, 2018 O, 2017A, 2019A, 2020J |
15 | 2005 | Engineering Graphics | 2018 |
16 | 2008 | Workshop Practice | |
17 | 2007 | Engineering Science Lab Ii | |
18 | 2039 | Basic Electrical Engineering workshop | 2018 |
19 | 2009 | Life Skill | |
20 | 3032 | Electrical Measuring Instruments | Model, 2016, 2016A, 2017A, 2018, 2018A, 2018O, 2019A, 2020A |
21 | 3031 | Analog Devices & Circuits | 2016, 2018, 2018O, 2017A, 2017O, 2019A, 2020A |
22 | 3033 | Fundamentals of AC system | 2016, 2018, 2017O, 2018A, 2017A, 2019O |
23 | 3034 | Mechanical Engineering | 2015, 2016 M, 2016 O, 2016Apr, 2017A, 2017O, 2019A |
24 | 3001 | Enviornmental Science & Diaster Management | 2018 A |
25 | 3039 | Electrical Measurements Lab | |
26 | 3037 | Electrical Workshop Practise | |
27 | 3038 | Mechanical Engineering Lab | |
28 | 4034 | Electric Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution | 2017, 2017 O, 2018, 2018A, 2018M, 2018-oct, 2019 |
29 | 4033 | Electrical Estimating and Costing | 2017A, 2018, 2018O, 2018A, 2019A |
30 | 4031 | DC Machines | 2015, 2016, 2017A, 2018A, 2018, 2019O, 2019A, |
31 | 4032 | Digital Electronics & Microprocessors | 2017A, 2018 ,2018, 2018A, 2019O, 2019A, |
32 | 4037 | Electrical Engineering Drawing | 2017Apr,2017Oct, 2018A, 2018O |
33 | 4039 | DC Machines Lab | |
34 | 4038 | Electrical Computer Aided Drafting Lab | |
35 | 4036 | Industrial Electrical Engineering Lab | |
36 | 4009 | Mini Project | |
37 | 5001 | Industrial Management & Saftey | |
38 | 5031 | Induction Machines | 2016, 2017, 2017O, 2018, 2018O, 2018A, 2019A, |
39 | 5032 | Power Electronics | 2018, 2019O, 2019A |
40 | 5035 | Renewable Energy Sources | 2016, 2017O, 2018A, 2018 O, 2019A, 2019O, |
41 | 5033 | Advanced Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation | 2018 O |
42 | 5034 | Electrical Engineering Materials | model, 2018Oct |
43 | 5039 | AC Machines Lab | |
44 | 5038 | Electronics Lab | |
45 | 5009 | Industrial Training/Industrial Visit/Collaborative Work | |
46 | 6009 | Project & Seminar | |
47 | 6033 | Synchronous Machines & FHP Motors | 2018, 2018Oct, 2019A, 2019Apr |
48 | 6031 | Electrical Power Utilization & System Protection | 2018A, 2018O, 2018(10revision), 2018, 2018A, 2018O, 2019A, Model, 20190, 2020A |
49 | 6032 | Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers | 2018Apr, 2018O, 2019A, 2019O |
50 | 6034 | Electrical Drives & Controllers | model, 2018A, 2018O, 2019A, 2019 O, |
51 | 6035 | Electrical Machine Design | 2018 O |
52 | 6036 | Industrial Automation | 2018, 2018O |
53 | 6038 | Industrial Automation Lab | |
54 | 6039 | AC Machines Lab II | |
55 | 6009 | Project & Seminar | |
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